Looking for some fun new party games to keep the kids entertained at your next outdoor party? Give one of these 25 kids’ birthday party games a try. As a bonus, most of these are very easy and inexpensive, too!
Scavenger Hunt
Instruct guests to find and retrieve certain objects. The player who can collect the most items the fastest wins!
Decorate Cupcakes
No need to bake elaborate desserts – let the kids decorate their own! This fun activity can get quite messy, which is why it’s a perfect choice for an outdoor party.

Button Button
Button, button, who’s got the button! All you need to play this game is a small object and some willing participants. One player walks around the circle and pretends to place the object in each child’s hand. They secretly give it to one lucky player – and everyone else must guess who it is!
Tug of War
Using a strong rope, divide your group into two teams. Designate a finish line, and the first team to tug the other across it wins!
Donut on a String
Tie several donuts to a string and hang them from a clothesline. The first player to finish gobbling up their donut wins, but remember – no hands!

Marco Polo
Make sure to play this game in an open space, free of obstacles. Take turns playing as a blindfolded “Marco” – and everyone else as the “Polo” he’s trying to catch.
Obstacle Course
Set up an obstacle course with objects you have on hand. Send the players through the course just for fun, or time them in a friendly competition!
Hot Potato
Players toss a soft object or ball around a circle while singing or playing a hot potato song. The last person caught holding the potato is out!
Fly Swatter Badminton
Use two flyswatters and a balloon to play a simple variation of badminton. Set up an official net if you’re feeling ambitious!
Simon Says
One player is “Simon” and calls out various commands. Anyone who doesn’t follow the commands properly – or moves when Simon doesn’t say “Simon says” – is out!
Red Light Green Light
Players line up at one end of an open space, and try to reach the other side first. The catch? You can only move if the player calling the shots says “green light!” Anyone caught running a red light must go back to the beginning.
Pin the Tail on the Donkey
If you don’t want to use a traditional donkey and a set of tails, you can use all sorts of different variations to suit the theme of your party. Pin the petal on the flower, tack the teeth onto the T-Rex, stick the tail on the wagging dog. Whatever floats your boat!
Capture the Flag
If you’ve got a good-sized yard and a lot of energetic kids, this one can be a ton of fun. Divide the players into two teams and give each team a flag to hide. When players cross into “enemy territory”, they can be tagged and sent to “jail.” The first team to capture the flag and cross back to their territory unscathed is the winner!
Musical Chairs
If you don’t have enough appropriately-sized chairs, you can use hula hoops, patio furniture cushions, or towels instead.
Frisbee Toss
Grab a frisbee and some hula hoops. Assign the hula hoops with different point values, and toss the frisbee onto them (or through them, if you want to hang them for an extra challenge). See how many points you can score!
If you don’t have a traditional cornhole set, you can mark squares on a driveway using chalk. Toss your beanbags towards the squares and try to get as many points as possible.
Water Balloon Toss
Using the same idea as the frisbee toss and cornhole, but try it with water balloons on a hot day. Or, use a water balloon as a hot potato – whoever lets it break or drops it is out!

Set up outdoor tic-tac-toe using pool noodles, sticks, a frisbee, or whatever you’ve got on hand. Even chalk will work, too!
Find the Gummy Bears
This messy but delicious game is an excellent choice for hungry birthday guests who don’t mind getting a little messy. Fill pie tins with whipped cream and hide a few gummy bears inside. Players race to “bob” for the gummy bears, but no hands are allowed!
Pool Noodle Mini Golf
Use plastic cups and ping-pong balls for a hole-in-one. Set up a course using any obstacles you like – and give players some pool noodles to use as clubs. Safe and fun for all ages!
If you have a large paved space, good old-fashioned hopscotch can be fun for everyone. Just draw the board with chalk and use small pebbles (or a beanbag) to jump over the extra squares.
Have players buddy up and tie one of their legs together using a bandana or soft rope. The first pair across the finish line wins!
Relay Race
For a relay race, you can do a simple tag handoff, pass a stick or homemade baton, or try using an egg and spoon. The first player to make it across the finish line wins!

Freeze Tag
When the designated player who is “it” tags you, you must freeze in place! You can be rescued by another player, but look out – once everyone is frozen, the game is over!
Flashlight Tag
If it gets dark before your party is over, the fun doesn’t have to end! Give each player a flashlight and set some clear boundaries (so nobody’s banging into trees in the dark). Once a player is tagged by a flashlight, they become the next “it”!