Now known as the Rose Diagram, it shocked the government and British Army into making important changes in hospitals. From then on, fewer people would die, and the US Army successfully used Florence’s ideas during the American Civil War.
Florence the pioneer
In 1860, Florence opened a nursing school at St Thomas’s Hospital in London.
Nurses trained there were known as Nightingale Nurses. They took the ‘Nightingale Pledge’ and spread Florence’s caring methods at home and in other countries.
Florence’s book, ‘Notes on Nursing,’ advised people how to care for the sick. It was written in simple language so that everybody could understand it.
Florence even investigated how to improve living conditions for starving people in India.
In 1883, she was awarded the Royal Red Cross by Queen Victoria for her work. She then became the first woman to receive the Order of Merit, from King Edward VII in 1907.
On August 13, 1910, Florence died; bedridden because of an infection caught in the Crimea.
Florence Nightingale improved medical care for everybody and inspired others to become nurses like her. This is how she turned nursing into a respectable profession.
Because Florence did not discriminate between different social classes or religions, her ideas and kindness united people all over the world.
Florence Nightingale as the Lady with the Lamp by J. Butterworth