Wouldn’t it be nice if self-confidence just came naturally? If it didn’t have to be instilled or practiced…
But, unfortunately, we always find ourselves somehow comparing ourselves to others, wishing we could do something differently or look differently. And, in a world completely engulfed in social media and other various forms of media, our children find themselves feeling the same way – lacking self-confidence.

But, self-confidence is a valuable trait we should help our children build - it prepares them to better handle stress, alters the way they carry themselves, sets them up for a better sense of reality, and offers several other emotional, mental, and physical benefits.
So, how do you overcome the media and help your child build a strong sense of self-confidence?
Love your Child
While it might seem obvious, loving your child is the most important and valuable thing you can do for them. And, it is one of the main steps in building self-confidence in them.
Your child needs to feel accepted and loved – starting with family and extending out to friends, sports, and in the community, itself. Knowing that other people love and care about you starts the foundation for confidence as they begin to understand their worth.
Offer Realistic Examples
How can we encourage our children to be confident by showing them examples of people who do not seem realistic?
Of course, they are going to see pictures of models and actresses who might be photoshopped – it is inevitable. But, it is important that we also ensure they have examples of what real-life kids look like, such as a doll modeled after a real child.

By offering realistic examples of what they should strive for, you are offering them an example they can actually relate to. They are less likely to be constantly comparing themselves to something that strongly favors how they actually are.
Set Realistic Goals
This also goes hand in hand with offering realistic examples; not only should you give them realistic people or objects to compare to, but help them set goals they can actually achieve.
When they first start a new sport or a craft, prepare them to mess up and fail - it is only natural. Constantly focus on teaching them how to differentiate between what is real and attainable and what is not.
Model Self-love and Positivity
One of the best ways to teach your child self-confidence, or just about anything else for that matter is to model it yourself. Children often mimic what they see done – so if you lack self-confidence, it will be easier for them to do the same.
Lead by example, showing them how to talk positive to themselves and how to love themselves just as they are.
Set Rules and Practice Consistency
Children are more confident when they know exactly what is going on and who is in charge. While setting rules and schedules at first might be difficult, it will greatly benefit your child in the long run.
Let them help you set a schedule, incorporating their input will help them feel more confident about their ability to provide insight into a situation.
So, in Conclusion…
Like just about any lesson in life, helping build self-confidence in your child begins with leading by example, then teaching them how to set realistic goals, and how to follow through with them.
Self-confidence is a valuable trait that will help progress your child through the rest of life. Focus on building it now while they are young so they do not have to struggle with it later in life.

Are you still working on building self-confidence in your child or even in yourself? Share some of your favorite tips with us in the comments.
If your child suffers from Anxiety, check out this post by Sarah Barr. If you'd like to feel inspired, check out this blog about how Kawaii Karate Lottie encouraged Eleanor to take up a new sport!