Role-playing is such an important part of childhood and one of the best ways to get your kids to expand their imaginative play is to provide them with quality toys that reflect real life. Realistic
dolls are especially good for kids for a variety of reasons and I have found that they become fast favorites with my children!
Here are my Top 10 reasons why a realistic doll is good for kids:
1. Kids identify with dolls that look like them.
Children relate best to dolls that resemble them. Whether we are talking about just kid-size proportions or more specific things like hair color and style, eye color, skin tone, or even certain disabilities, kids feel validated to have dolls with these kinds of similarities. If you want to watch your child’s eyes light up, give them a doll that looks like them.

2. Kids are more likely to play out real-life scenarios.
Realistic dolls make playtime adventures feel truly real. They make kids think of situations that they would like to do or have already done and then recreate those scenarios with their dolls. This is super engaging for them and helps them explore real-world concepts.
3. Kids use realistic dolls to expand their imagination.
Children also love to use realistic dolls to play pretend and let their minds run wild. This allows them to see themselves in fun and new ways through imaginative play. Kids see dolls that look like children as extensions of their personhood, so this allows them to insert themselves into these creative worlds.

4. Kids build appropriate vocabulary when playing with realistic dolls.
Realistic dolls keep kids in a kid’s world with conversations that naturally result from kid play. I have watched my children talk “for” their dolls and have seen how their vocabulary stays on childhood themes and adventures. Without any influence from adult scenarios, children thrive in their kid-centered world. If you don’t want your kids pretending like their dolls are “dating,” for example, don’t give them a Ken and Barbie.
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5. Kids learn good values from role-playing with realistic dolls.
In this modern time, it can be tricky to impart the values you want your children to embrace, but realistic dolls can help a lot! Do you want your child to focus on just being a kid? Then encourage them to role-play with dolls that keep their heads in the game. Provide appropriate accessories that let your children’s dolls “lives” feel super fun as they role-play kid-related adventures.

6. Realistic dolls have infinite play value
Kids don’t burn out with realistic dolls. They are so versatile and open-ended that a child can literally play with these toys for years and never tire of them. This is because these types of dolls are simply extensions of themselves. Not only is this great for your pocketbook, but it is excellent for driving away boredom and repetitiveness. A realistic doll is a staple toy that doesn’t lose its appeal.
7. Realistic dolls help create happy childhood memories.
Children are well-known for connecting with their toys and realistic dolls definitely become some of their most well-loved favorites. These connections help kids retain fond memories of their growing up years and remember these fun times in a way that is not easily lost as they enter adulthood. Positive childhood memories serve our children well because they help kids feel close to their family and friends.
8. Realistic dolls feel more like playmates or real children.
Is your child inclined to have an “imaginary” friend? Or does your child need a “confidante” to tell their happy and sad thoughts to? A realistic doll oftentimes is able to fill this need. This can provide children with companionship in a way that other toys just can’t. Beyond this, even with role-playing, realistic dolls are the preferred way to get kids to pretend that their dolls are children just like themselves.

9. Realistic dolls promote a healthy body image.
In today’s society, there is such a push to be overly thin and beautiful that our kids become saturated with this message. When we supply our girls with dolls that have realistic kid body proportions, we are reinforcing a positive body image. This message is profound and so important. Taking the focus off of how they look gives our children the confidence to just be themselves and be healthy. According to an experimental study of 10-year-old Dutch girls “Since many young girls are exposed to this unrealistic thin ideal by playing with Barbie dolls, this might affect how they look at themselves.” (2010, Anschutz, Engels)
10. Realistic dolls reduce peer-pressure.
If you don’t want your child to grow up too soon, make sure to encourage an atmosphere of childhood by providing realistic child-like dolls. Steer away from fashion dolls that make kids think in terms of growing up and being an adult, especially looking like an adult. Kids are very prone to peer-pressure, so help avoid those influences by helping kids be proud of being a kid. There is simply no need for kids to think they need to be adults too soon.
As you make doll choices for your children, I hope these concepts prove to be helpful in your decision-making. Letting kids be kids is one of the greatest gifts we can give them!